The Cienega Watershed Partnership (CWP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to support stewardship initiatives in the Cienega Watershed region of Southeastern Arizona by providing funding, staffing, volunteers, and other assistance. The CWP was incorporated November 15, 2005, and received its 501(c)(3) designation October 18, 2007. View our CWP fact sheet.

Photo by Dennis Caldwell.
The CWP Board of Directors, volunteers, contractors, partner organizations, and stakeholders collaborate to study and assess the watershed, plan and offer programs and workshops, and attract funding and individuals to complete on-the-ground projects. The Wall of Honor recognizes such contributions. CWP has no physical office or employees but partners and networks to achieve results.
Current programs emphasize aquatic habitats and species, youth engagement and other forms of stewardship and restoration, heritage programs like oral history and the watershed timeline, workshops including the State of the Watershed and Science on the Sonoita Plain, and assessing and reporting on the health of the watershed.
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